
Sewing: Clothing Construction Camp #2

3083 Brickhouse Ct. Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone: 757-717-7187
Business Hours: 8AM-8PMEmail: virginia@vbsota.comWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Come sew with us! This week we will take a ready made garment and change it into something new!Students will be guided to remake something and change it into something else. One idea is to take a men's dress shirt and transform it into an apron. This makes a great memory from grandpa’s or dad’s shirts! We can discuss other ideas too. Projects must meet students’ skill level. Students will provide the shirts, thread and other notions for clothing construction. August 5-9, 1:00-4:00, Ages 8 and up, $165 Direct link to register: Explore the 50+ Summer programs the Virginia Beach School of the Arts offers: